
교회 소식

교회 소식교회 앨범


Theology Group

  • 청지기
  • 2003.01.15 오후 09:00

영국 교회에서 주관하는 [학생 성경/신학 연구 모임]이 새해에도 계속됩니다. 매주 화요일 저녁 7시30분에 Kirk O'Field Parish Church (한인교회) 2층3호실에서 갖고 있는 이 모임은 영국대학생 및 유학생들과 함께 성경 속의 여러 신학적 주제들을 가지고 하나님의 말씀을 묵상하고 나누고 있습니다. 새로 오시는 분은 언제든지 환영합니다. 이번 달에는 마태복음을 읽으며 토론을 하고 있으며 차후 J. B. Torrance의"Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace"란 책을 주제로 할 예정입니다.

모임을 인도하는 Mr Bob Walker는 에딘버러 곳곳에서 신학연구 모임을 주관하고 있습니다. 참고로 아래는 이 분이 주관하고 있는 다른 모임(일반인 대상)에 대한 안내와 일정입니다.


Exploring the faith

Originally set up by people of different church backgrounds as a follow up to the Edinburgh University evening class “Christian Theology: an Introduction”, the group continues to draw participants from all across Edinburgh.  

Led by theologian Bob Walker MA, BD, it meets fortnightly on Sundays from 7.30 – 9.30 pm.

The group offers lay Christians the opportunity to learn about the key elements of scripture, and find answers to pressing questions of the faith.

The aim is to encourage a grasp of the bible as a whole and to relate biblical passages together in order to gain a deeper understanding of its message.

The central focus is the whole life of Jesus and in particular the reality of his humanity and its meaning for us.

January 19
What is theology?   nature, the bible and worship
Psalm 19, Ephesians 1-4
February 2
Creation and mankind: man’s place in the universe
Genesis 1-3, Psalm 8
February 16
God in the Old Testament: faithfulness, love and righteousness
Psalms 81-90
March 2
Israel and Jesus: preparation and fulfilment
Gospel of John
March 16
Temptation of Adam and of Jesus: the parallels and the differences
Genesis 3, Luke 3 – 4
March 30
Resurrection: the undoing of sin and death
1 Corinthians 15


May 11
The righteousness of God: the link between love and judgement
Romans 1 – 3
May 25
Life and death: Old Testament realism
June 8
The death of Jesus:  God on the Cross
Luke 20 – 23
June 22
Man in Heaven: Jesus our High Priest
July 6
Christian hope: anakephalaiosis: restoration of all things
1 Peter

Cost: ₤5 for each series (Kirk O'field 교인은 무료)

For further information contact Jennifer Floether
0131 667 3593 / floether@compuserve.com
or Bob Alexander 0131 668 0242 RbAlxndr2@aol.com

There is no programme for autumn 2003 but participants are encouraged to attend the Edinburgh University Lifelong Learning class, “Christian Theology: an Introduction”.
For details tel:0131 650 4400  OLL@ed.ac.uk  www.lifelong.ed.ac.uk

  • 번호
  • 제목
  • 등록일
  • 작성자
  • 1
  •  Theology Group
  • 2003-01-15
  • 청지기

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